At this time we are not accepting credit card for AUTO PAY. In order to use auto pay it must be with a bank savings or checking account. You can pay with a credit card on our website each month by the 25th of each month.
Parents, Please view the video before your first class!
We have new COVID procedures in place.
RESTROOM - Please use the restroom, dressed and ready for class before you reach SMG to help cut down on RR use.
MASKS - In order for gyms to be open, anyone that enters SMG must wear a mask. We ask that all students wear a mask in common areas (entry way, hall, etc), students in preschool age classes do not have to wear a mask during class. ALL other students at this time must wear a mask during class and at all times - this is a state mandate order for gyms!
Temp Check & Screening- we will do temp check upon entry (please wait to enter through check in line). A list of symptoms will be posted , we will ask if you have any symptoms, or have been around anyone ill.
25% Capacity - In order for gyms, fitness & dance studios to be open we have to be at 25% capacity. In order to stay open we are asking that School Age student parents wait outside for their student. Preschool parents - Only ONE ADULT per student and no siblings at this time. If you have a sibling in another class the same night please wait in the car in order to keep our capacity below the 25%. If a sibling must be in the waiting room with you (to pick up another preschool age student) they must remain WITH YOU on floor markers and cannot run around or stand on chairs. All people in the waiting rooms must have masks on and stay socially distant. NO FOOD IN THE WAITING ROOMS OR GYM!! Please try to not bring in anything to the gym.
ONE PRESCHOOL PARENT per preschool student please! School-age students can be dropped off outside - we need the parent to wait for the student to get through the check in line before they leave.
Preschool parents - you will EXIT the building out the NE hall door. School age parents in classes 45 minutes or longer will be dismissed out the front double white doors. This way we will have separate ENTRANCE and EXITS.
We ask that parents are prompt on pick and drop times due to creating any kind of back or circumstance where a child would have to wait in the gym. We would like you to be at the gym in parking lot at least 10 minutes prior to scheduled class start or class end. We will have social distancing markers at the entry and exits. If all parents are here on time we can very smoothly transition the kids from entry and release. If we have to move the kids through exit process and they get to release point and no parent is there for them we will create delays in exit process. We need parents help on this.